When you realize the value of all life, you dwell less on what is past and concentrate more on the preservation of the future
— Dian Fossey

On top of the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest - 2016

On top of the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest - 2016

About Sheri

Photography has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.

Growing up in New Mexico, I learned to appreciate the different cultures and perspectives relating to nature and the environment.

I have combined my passion for wildlife, travel and nature to capture images to share with others.  My hope is to instill a sense of appreciation for the beauty of the natural world around us and to help ensure this beauty will be around for generations to come.

I have traveled to over 40 countries of the world and to many beautiful places in the USA to photograph it's many wonders and encourage others to go out and explore the beauty of the world around us.

Please enjoy my website and let me hear from you.



Organizations I Support

There are many organizations that focus on conservation of the world we live in and below are just a few that I support.



The African Wildlife Foundation, together with the people of Africa, works to ensure the wildlife and wild lands of Africa will endure forever. 




Supporting conservation through policy victories and education.  Using data to realize the best conservation outcomes

internationAL fund for animal welfare

IFAW’s mission is to rescue and protect animals around the world.



world wildlife fund

WWF's unique way of working combines global reach with a foundation in science, involves action at every level from local to global, and ensures the delivery of innovative solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature.

natural habitat adventures

As the world's first 100-percent carbon-neutral travel company—and the conservation travel partner of World Wildlife Fund—we offer eco-conscious expeditions from Antarctica to Zambia with a multitude of adventures in between!



national wildlife refuge association

The National Wildlife Refuge Association’s mission is to conserve America’s wildlife heritage for future generations through strategic programs that protect and enhance the National Wildlife Refuge System and the landscapes beyond its boundaries.